Quality Control For Meat Products Job at KaziniKwetu Limited

Quality Control For Meat Products Job at KaziniKwetu Limited

Quality Control For Meat Products. 

Kazinikwetu Limited on behalf of a client is looking for a Quality Control Officer For Meat Products to be based in Dar-es salaam Tanzania


  • Check inbound/outbound meat, handling procedures and current stock in order to insure freshness and quality of product distributed to member stores.
  • Monitor merchandise (fresh, processed and frozen meat) in picking slots in order to check product age and insure that slots contain the correct item with proper dates.
  • Monitor reserve stock in perishable coolers/freezers verifying that proper rotation procedures have been observed, reporting any rotation or date problems.
  • Provide reasonable assurance that all incoming products conform to written and approved quality and weight specifications by conducting random audits.
  • Inspect all loads of inbound meat products for proper temperature control, Country of Origin and HACCP. Documenting all pertinent information as required for proper governmental compliance.
  • Report inventory levels, shelf life, shrinkage, and other quality related areas on a timely basis to Meat Buyers.
  • To be actively involved in identifying and correcting any problem areas in the distribution center which may impact the quality of the meat such as plant temperatures, method of loading, product rotation, etc.
  • Evaluate damaged cases and repair if possible.
  • Check and monitor temperatures of inbound product and perishable zones where meat products are stored/received and that they are properly maintained.
  • Examine returned merchandise and determine disposition of product.
  • Organize and maintain an accurate and up-to-date record keeping system. 

Knowledge of meat items, warehouse functions, billing, receiving procedures, accounting principles.
2-4 years experience in retail meat department.
Ability to work indoors, warehouse environment and inside meat freezer and cooler.

Place: DAR

Dead Line: 21/04/2015


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