6 Job Opportunities at Kaengesa Environmental Conservation Society (KAESO)

KAENGESA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION SOCIETY (KAESO) is a non-governmental organization, a public interest and not for profit making organization fostering sound environmental and natural resources management, Sustainable Agricultureand Food security, Nutrition and Good Governance in Mainland Tanzania. It deploys multiple tools and strategies to advance its vision and mission including rigorous research, advocacy and public interest litigation on environmental and natural resources management. It is an organization that works closely with public interest spirited communities and organizations in ensuring that the environment and natural resources of our country are sustainably managed and protected while promoting to reduce malnutrition in Tanzania.A smooth and successful execution of the project requires hiring competent and versatile staffs to be part of the implementing team.

KAESO is in agreement contract with Save the Children International (SCI) to implement LISHE ENDELEVU (Sustainable Nutrition) in Kalambo, Nkasi and Sumbawanga district council at Rukwa regional Funded by USAID Lishe Endelevu (Sustainable Nutrition) is a 4-year Activity that aims at improving nutrition outcomes for women of reproductive age, children under five, and adolescents in four regions of Tanzania. The activity, anticipates to reach over 1.5 million women of reproductive age, 1.1 million children under five, and 330,000 adolescents 15-19 years of age with improved nutrition services, social and behavior change (SBC) for optimal Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) behaviors; promotion of nutrition-sensitive livelihoods; and positive shifts in gender norms and equitable household decision making.

Geographic coverage: Rukwa (Kalambo, Nkasi and Sumbawanga District council).
Target beneficiaries: Women of reproductive age especially; Pregnant, lactating women, caregivers, adolescents and children under five

Implementation period: April 2019 – June 2022
The activity aims at reducing stunting by pursuing three key results:
 Result 1: Strengthening Multi-Sectoral Coordination for Improved Nutrition at the Local Government Level. AjiraLeo Tanzania
 Result 2: Improving Health, Nutrition, Caregiving, and WASH Behaviors of the target beneficiaries
 Result 3: Increasing Access and Availability of Diverse, Safe, and Nutritious Foods.

Consequently, KAESO urgently invites applications from suitable, qualifies and experienced candidates to fill the following positions below:


Qualification: Diploma, Degree holder or equivalent qualification: - BSc in Human nutrition, BSc in Family & Consumer studies, BSc in Food Sciences and Technology). At least 3 years’ experience working/implementation in Nutrition/Agriculture/Horticulture/food processing & preservation or other related programme/projects in Tanzania.

Qualification: Degree, Diploma in Agronomy/Horticulture and at least 3 years experienced in field work related to horticultural productions. Bachelor degree should be an added advantage
Important attributes
- Willingness to accept responsibility and be held accountable;
- Organizer, collegial, honest, creative, self-motivated, highly disciplined and able to work for longer hours; AjiraLeo Tanzania
- Able to travel to remote areas for project supervision;
- Ability to write project proposal, technical report and financial report;
- Ability to maintain confidentiality.

How to Apply
KAESO will offer the opportunity to apply your energy and skills to archive the organizational goals.
If you think that you meet the described requirements please write to us and send an application letter
explaining in detail how you qualify, enclosing a detailed CV, academic transcript and certificates,
recommendation from reputable referees and contact telephone numbers.

Please forward your applications before 30th April, 2019. Send your applications through kaesongo@ymail.com 
All shortlisted applicants will be contacted for interview. If you won’t be contacted by 02thMay, 2019. Consider your application unsuccessfully. All applications should be addressed to:

The Executive Director
Kaengesa Environmental Conservation Society (KAESO)
Nyerere road, KAESO Building,
Near Moravian conference center Sumbawanga Municipal
P.O. BOX 294 Sumbawanga.
FAX +255 252800366
No phone calls

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