Job Opportunity at ADD International - Tanzania, Bids and Evaluator

Job Title: Bids and Evaluator
Jobs at: ADD
Deadline of this Job: 9th May 2019
Duty Station: Within Tanzania , Dar es Salaam , East Africa , 00000 , TZ

Expected start: 13th May 2019
Deadline: 7th May 2019
Type of contract: 15 Day consultancy

ADD is an international non-governmental organization based in UK. It works with disabled people's organizations (DPOs) to demand their rights and to have an inclusive society. ADD in Tanzania work in partnership with the Tanzania Federation of Disabled People's Organization (SHIVYAWATA) and National DPOS. Currently ADD International and SHIVYAWATA, Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MOEST) and President Office' Regional Administrative and Local Government (PO-RALG) are implementing a four years project namely Modelling Inclusive Pre-primary Education (MIPE) which focus on providing an opportunity for young children with disabilities to access inclusive and appropriate pre-primary education across four districts namely Kibaha Town Council, Kisarawe, Mkuranga and Kibaha DC in Pwani Region.

Purpose and Scope of the mid-term review (MTR) The MIPEMTR will be undertaken at the mid-half of the programmes and will pave the way for the programme delivery for the remaining duration and proposed amendments (if any) required in programme design, implementation and arrangement and/or linkages in order to effectively and sustainably contribute to the programme objectives. It will also be forward looking and will capture effectively lessons learnt, providing information on the nature, extent and where possible, the potential impact and sustainability of results including contribution to capacity development and achievement

The MTR process shall focus on analysing the data in the key four areas namely relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability in which for each area, the process shall analyse the data, identify key learning points, best practices and recommendations.. .

Related skills and qualifications: 
• A relevant master's degree and above with extensive experience in conducting reviews/evaluations (preferably for inclusive education projects) and have a proven record in delivering professional results.
• Examples of previous work to be provided.
• Be fluent in English and able to communicate verbally and in writing.
• Using Swahili for community level interviews will be essential.
• Have relevant technical qualification in inclusive education or equivalent work experience in education or social sciences.
• Be fully acquainted with project lifecycle management

Job Education Requirements: master's degree

Job application procedure
Criteria for bids and evaluator qualifications.
• The bidder should submit a proposal of maximum 10 pages with a clear, detailed understanding of the assignment, and description of the proposed methodology, analytical framework, sampling methods and approach to midterm review (evaluation)
• The bidder should demonstrate having undertaken at least 1 similar assignment with a sample of a previous evaluation should be included in his/her application.Source: AjiraLeo Tanzania
• The team leader's CV together with a description of their qualities should be included, such as: ability and competence to work in and lead a team; communication, planning and action learning skills; plus other relevant competencies.
• A plan and budget with estimated no. of days and rate for each consultant, and other charges 

To apply:
For those interested, kindly please request the full Terms of reference through  Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.

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