Job Vacancy at IMPACT Project - Mwanza, Radio Programming Airing

Date Posted: 26th April 2019 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed , Currency: TZS , Value: 625000 , Minimum: 437500 , Maximum: 1875000 , Period: MONTH

Title: Radio Programming Airing
Purpose: To create announcement for Radio stations to bid
Location: Mwanza
Duration: Qualified Radio station will enter into a long-term Agreement with IMPACT for one year (June 2019-May 2020)
Deadline for Submission: 7th May 2019 Send to

Improving Access to Reproductive, Maternal and Newborn Health in Mwanza, Tanzania' (IMPACT) project will accelerate the reduction of maternal and newborn mortality in Tanzania by addressing major reproductive, maternal and newborn health (RMNH) challenges in eight districts of Mwanza region. This will be through implementation of IMPACT project which is executed by Aga Khan Development Network in partnership with the Government of Tanzania and with funding support from Global Affairs Canada (GAC). IMPACT comprises of two components: 1) improving availability of quality maternal, newborn and health (MNH) services and 2) increasing utilisation of MNH services by women and their families.

IMPACT Project is expecting to run radio programming and talk shows on different Radio stations in Mwanza Region. The Radio programs aims at broadcasting of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Adolescent Health issues. These programs will create awareness and advocate for behavior change within Mwanza communities. They will be used as tools to amplify community from the normal practices including myth and beliefs in maternal and newborn health behaviors which cause damages and lead to mortality and parental death in Mwanza region.

These radio platforms will raise the voice of voiceless who will share their knowledge, asking questions and demonstrating their views in advocating for change especially in SRMNAH issues. Through these special programs in radio's, will address critical issues and raise dialogues with duty bearers to take actions. IMPACT staff in collaboration with government officials will participate to educate and create awareness for change. 

Create awareness among communities in Mwanza Region on RMNAH related issues.
Create Platforms for dialogues in advocating for social behavioral change..

For IMPACT staff (SBCC)
• Working with the team to identify the topics
• Develop the script and details for airing the programs
• Participate in media schedule arrangement, dermo preparation, and participant invitations
• Organize the crew to produce the media materials
• Submit a draft for review and comments by IMPACT staff
• Incorporate all the comments and submit the final version

FOR Radio station Develop program contents and details of the show for review and comments by IMPACT project. Air the program as per agreed time and duration
Coordinate with IMPACT staff to advise other relevant people to execute the programme. Submit a copy (CD) of the programme and media report to IMPACT project.

• 96 programs will be aired in a year (June 2019 to May 2020), eight times in a month and 24 programs in a quarter.
• A broadcast of 45 minutes radio programs from each station.
• These programs should be aired from 1900hrs to 2100hrs depending on suitable time approved by the team.
• Each radio station should repeat the programs the following day after airing the programs.
• Radio station must be in Mwanza Region and its coverage should reach the six districts of the project.

Qualifications and experience required / evaluation criteria:
The radio station should fulfill the following requirements to be selected for this assignment:
• At least three years of professional work experience in producing media programmes.
• Experience of producing media contents for health issues, especially maternal and new born health and owning a program on health not a segment. Source: AjiraLeo Tanzania
• Previous work experience with NGO's and/or Government institution. Submission of the previous sample

Job Experience Requirements: 3 years 

Job application procedure
The qualified Radios are requested to send in their bids based on the TOR. The submission should include a company profile, and CV of the team leader, list of key media materials produced in the last 3 years, existing clients, sample work (preferably on health issues). A dummy radio script or radio spot on a health topic (e.g. Maternal and Newborn health, Adolescent and gender responsiveness). is also requested as part of the submission. Send to

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