Job Opportunity at Save the Children- Consultancy to Conduct Endline Survey for the Child Protection and Child Rights Governance Programme.

Consultancy to Conduct Endline Survey for the Child Protection and Child Rights Governance Programme.

Coverage Dar es Salaam, Songwe, Zanzibar and Shinyanga Regions.

Save the Children is one of the world’s leading independent organisation for children working in 120 countries. We save children’s lives; we fight for their rights; we help them fulfil their potential. We work together, with our partners, to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. We have over two million supporters worldwide and raised 1.6 billion dollars in 2011 to reach more children than ever before, through programmes in health, nutrition, education, protection and child rights, also in times of humanitarian crises.

SCI Tanzania Office wishes to engage a highly experienced, reputable and well-established individual, firm or Institution to Conduct Endline Survey for Child Protection and Child Rights Governance Program with coverage in Dares Salaam, Songwe, Zanzibar and Shinyanga Regions.

The key objective of the endline evaluation is to measure performance of the Child Protection and Child Rights Governance Programme against the expected outcomes using the documented monitoring reports, case studies, and lessons learnt and to make the recommendations for improving Child protection and Child Rights Governance programming in Tanzania.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal/bid, please refer the link below that has a
detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) and the Save the Children’s Quality Scoring Tool.

Sealed proposal/bids marked: “Endline Survey for Child Protection and Child Rights Governance
Programme.” must be delivered at the address below latest by 14th May 2019 on or before 11.00 a.m.

Any proposal received after the indicated time shall be rejected.

Address to:

Tender Committee, Save the Children International – Tanzania
Country Office, Plot No. 257 Kiko Avenue, Mwai Kibaki Road, Mikocheni

P 0. Box 10414, Dar es Salaam

Further clarification could be sought through email:
“Save the Children reserves the right to accept or reject any application or part thereof, and is not
bound to give reasons for its decision. Evaluation of the consultancy applications will be done based
on SCI procurement guidelines. Only successful applicant will be contacted:

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