Job Opportunity at Mkulazi Holding Company Ltd (MHCL), Supplies Officer

Supplies Officer


Mkulazi Holding Company Ltd (MHCL) is a joint venture company currently owned by National Social Security Fund (NSSF) and Tanzania Prisons Service. The principle activity of the company is to undertake production and importation of sugar. Establishment of the Company is in line with the implementation of the second five year development plan (FYDP II) aiming to ensure that Tanzania becomes industrialized and middle income economy (Tanzania ya Viwanda) by the year 2025. MKULAZI HOLDING COMPANY LTD Vision is to become the largest integrated sugar company in East and Central Africa. Its Mission is to produce and supply quality sugar and related products consistently and efficiently in local and regional markets. The Company company’s core values includes: Professionalism, Team Work, Innovation and Priority to customers’ needs.

The company wishes to invite competent, qualified and dedicated young Tanzanians to fill in the vacancy positions currently available in the company as follows:

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Duties and Responsibilities

  • Receiving inventory and accounting for accuracy of the count, inserting the numbers into the database and arranging for placement of the product in storage areas or shelving;
  • Keeping track of all products accurately in order to ensure orders are done on time and avoid stock depletion;
  • Retrieval of stock from storage or shelves to fill orders ensuring accurate accounting of orders filled in order to retain a true inventory count;
  • Assist in the Management of Stores functions including receipts, issues, storage and documentation;
  • Assist on ensuring that fixed assets are coded before distribution to respective offices;
  • Responding to orders from different offices, requests or transfer of inventory to various offices;
  • Prepare and produce stock reports as required;
  • Receive purchase requisition from user departments and find quotations for approval by superiors;
  • Prepare statistical analysis of supplies;
  • To carry out any other lawful work related duties as assigned by supervisor

Qualifications and Experiences:

  • Must be a holder of Bachelor degree or Advanced Diploma in Business Administration specializing in Materials Management from a recognized Institution and must be computer literate. Must have successfully served in the advertised position for a period of three years or more in a reputable organization(s). Registration to NBMM as Certified Supplies Professional (CSP) is an added adavantage.

Mode of Application

Candidates meeting the requisite qualifications should submit their written applications and detailed CV to the address below (with the position applied written on the top of the envelope), describing how they see themselves qualifying for the applied position. They should also send copies of academic certificates, three referees, daytime telephone numbers and e-mail address. The closing deadline for all applications is 14 days after the advert. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Salaries and other benefits are as per MKULAZI HOLDING COMPANY LTD Scheme of Service and Staff Regulations of 2019.




DEADLINE: 13/05/2019

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