Location Shinyanga, Tanzania
Start Date May – Jul 2019 (flexible)
Length of Placement 9 Months
Language Requirements English
English Reading: Level 5, Writing: Level 5, Speaking: Level 5
Language Scale: http://bit.ly/28Mhs9O
Open to Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents of Canada only
The Volunteer’s Role
In Tanzania, Cuso International deals with helping citizens to attain Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth (ISEG) and improved Access to Quality Health Services (AQHS). Cuso International has been working with partner organizations in Tanzania since 1963 to bring together people from different cultures and backgrounds, enabling them to share skills and knowledge with various beneficiaries.
This placement will support the efforts aimed at strengthening the capacity of the Agape Aids Control Programme (Agape) staff in the area of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI). The GESI Advisor will play an important role in supporting Agape’s staff and program team in addressing the gender inequality issues prevalent in Shinyanga, Tanzania by using the GESI strategy to provide recommendations. Agape plays a specific role in supporting Tanzanian females who experience gender-based violence (GBV), as well as child, early and forced marriage (CEFM).
The overall objectives of the GESI Advisor are to:
Participate in the development of monitoring and evaluation tools specific to GESI;
Support Agape’s efforts to develop internal policies, and resource materials to raise awareness around gender issues among staff and members; and
Support partners with the development of GESI advocacy initiatives
As a volunteer, you will:
-Review Agape’s current GESI projects and initiatives and support the development of a new or amended GESI strategy
-Support the development of GESI monitoring and evaluation tools, tailored to the Shinyanga region
-Identify advocacy opportunities for Agape to link to GESI issues
-Assist Agape with the development of GESI advocacy activities
-Contribute to the development of internal policies and resource materials on GESI
Essential Academic Qualifications:
Degree in Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies, Women’s Studies, Social Sciences, Psychology, or other relevant field
Essential Professional Background:
2 – 3 years’ work experience in gender work or related issues
Facilitation and training skills; experience in international development and delivering workshops
About Our Partner
Agape Aids Control Programme
Agape AIDS Control Program was established on 24th of January, 2006 as a Community-based Organization (CBO) working to cover the Shinyanga Region and later registered as an NGO on 24th June, 2009 by the Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children. AACP is a Non-partisan, Non-Religious and Non-profit Organization geared at promoting human rights and Community Development
In 2009, AACP came to realize that violation of Human Rights in the Community was a problem. Since then, AGAPE started working on four core programs which are; HIV/AIDS control and prevention, Child and Youth Protection, Legal Aid Services provision, and Prevention of Gender Based Violence, Child marriages and pregnancies. These core works contribute to the attainment of their Mission which is “to empower the Community to challenge Human Rights violation by strengthening their capacity to improve their resources of Income and reduce poverty, HIV/AIDS transmission, GBV prevalence, Child abuse and advance its mitigation measures “and the Vision is “to see the Community is free from Human Rights Violation and discrimination where Orphans and Vulnerable Children, Domestic Workers, Women, Youth, PLWHAs and the Community at large live harmonious happy life and Dignity”.
Enhanced community especially women, youth, children and the old with capacity to access legal aid services, reduce incidence of HIV/AIDS and its impacts, income generation and abilities to prevent human rights violation in six districts in Shinyanga and Tabora Regions by 2022.
Terms and Conditions
Cuso International terms and conditions allow you to lead a modest and healthy lifestyle while being effective in your placement. This support package will cover basic living expenses for one volunteer and is not intended to cover home-based expenses (ex. loans, support payments, etc.) or luxury items such as imported items in placement or international personal travel.
Support Package
Modest monthly living allowance (varies depending country)
Accommodation while in placement
Return airfare and visa/work permit costs
Cost of required vaccinations, antimalarial medication and health insurance
Pre-departure training and in-country orientation
Travel and accommodation for reintegration debriefing weekend
Modest support for accompanying partners and dependents going on placement with you for 12 months or longer (Return flight, emergency medical insurance, vaccinations)
Access to Employee Assistance Program while in placement and upon return
Travel and accommodation for the five-day pre-departure training course and for in-country orientation
Bonus: Additional return flight home or cash in lieu after 12 months of service for volunteers who extend for another 6 months
We ask each volunteer, regardless of placement length, to raise $2,000. All volunteers receive support from Cuso International to help achieve the goal through fundraising. If the volunteer chooses not to fundraise or is unable to achieve the fundraising goal, he/she can make a one-time donation or become a monthly donor to support our work.
Depending on the nature of the placement, volunteers are encouraged to provide e-volunteering support to the local partner or to Cuso International before or after their field placement. Volunteers can also request e-volunteer support to help them with their work, or any other partner-requested task while they are in placement.
Residency and Citizenship
The majority of Cuso International volunteer applicants are residing in Canada at the time of application and during the pre-departure process. Occasionally we received applications from volunteer applicants who are residing outside of Canada at the time of application. In both instances, between your application date and placement start date, we must be able to contact you and you must be able to contact us easily and promptly throughout the process.
We may require your passport and would need to be aware of your current place of residence and any travel plans you may have during this time. You will also require unrestricted access to Canada during this time for training, as applicable.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Ajira yako
Nafasi za kazi 2019