21 Job Opportunities at Maryland Global Initiatives Corporation (MGIC) - Tanzania

Position: Quality Improvement (QI) Officers (21 Posts)
Reports to: Senior Technical Advisor, Program Quality and Business Development
Location: Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Kagera, Pwani, Mara, Simiyu, Shinyanga,
Geita and Kigoma
Nature of the Employment: Short-term, 3 months

The QI Officer will be responsible for providing capacity building and mentoring on CQI to health facilities in a specified Region. The primary function of this position will be to work with the health facilities, Regional and Council Health Management Teams in developing CQI interventions to respond to challenges with the HIV/AIDS program in the region. The QI officer will ensure all health facilities have active QI teams and are implementing CQI activities using National guidelines. S/he will provide mentorship and support to facilities in using the Small Test of Change (STOC)/Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) methodologies for QI at the site level and in understanding and measuring these processes for both patient and program level improvement. The QI officer will work with the health facility CQI teams and the project team to track all HIV/TB related indicators, develop QI activities to respond to performance gaps, report all QI activities on a monthly basis and provide feedback and recommendations to the STA


  • Provides direct technical assistance and mentoring to health facilities for continuous quality improvement, models for change and systems improvement
  • Visits participating health facilities at least monthly to provide technical assistance on all matters related to Quality Improvement
  • Assist sites in understanding and using of QI tools such as flow charts, fishbone, driver diagrams and decision matrix analysis for system and processes -wide improvement
  • Support implementation of differentiated service delivery and care models while using CQI approaches to monitor for maximum patient outcomes
  • Collects weekly and monthly reports from health facilities and provides guidance and recommendations related to tracked indicators and outcome
  •  Assist sites in data utilization and seeks creative and innovative ways of capturing and presenting data
  •  Ongoing mentoring of health facility teams to build capacity for CQI concepts
  • Maintaining thorough documentation of activities and deliverables and report to the line manager on timely basis
  • Work effectively with the entire technical team for efficient and quality ART services delivery
  • Perform any other duties as assigned by the line manager


  • In-Depth knowledge of HIV/AIDS, TB/HIV, PMTCT, EID
  • Understanding of and experience in resolving challenges related to care and treatment delivery in the local context
  • Ability to interact proactively with health facility teams and the council and regional health management teams
  • Ability to analyze data and report back in the most efficient and understandable manner
  • Self-motivated, team player


  • Degree in Medicine, Nursing, Health Statistics, Epidemiology or related field
  • At least 3 years’ experience in resource limited health care delivery or administration
  • At least 3 years’ experience working with health facilities in resource limited settings
  • Working with development programs (USAID, CDC) is an added advantage
  • Understanding of the Tanzania National HIV – related guidelines and policies
  • Proficient in Managing, analyzing and interpreting data
  • Must be Proficient in writing and speaking both English and Swahili languages 

If you are interested and meet the minimum qualifications and requirements, please submit your cover letter and curriculum vitae of no more than 3-pages by the 24th June 2019 to the Human Resources & Administration Manager, at TanzaniaHR@mgic.umaryland.edu 
Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

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