Job Opportunity at Sandvik Mining & Rock Technology Tanzania - Mwanza, Inbound Freight Officer / Expedito

 Inbound Freight Officer / Expedito

Sandvik is a high-tech and global engineering group offering products and services that enhance customer productivity, profitability and safety. We hold world-leading positions in selected areas – tools and tooling systems for metal cutting; equipment and tools, service and technical solutions for the mining and construction industries; products in advanced stainless steels and special alloys as well as products for industrial heating. In 2018, the Group had approximately 42,000 employees and sales of 100 billion SEK in more than 150 countries within continuing operations.

JOB TITLE: Inbound Freight Officer / Expeditor
Location Mwanza, Tanzania
Prepares, reviews, and maintains files for import/export documents (e.g., customs declarations, a PO (purchase order), packing list, commercial invoice, SLI (shipper's letter of instruction), SED (shipper's export declaration), BOL (bill of lading, AWD (air waybill), etc) required for the lawful completion of import/export activities.

Ensures that commercial and sales invoices are accurate in accordance with physical shipment and customer's SLI, quantities, value of goods, country of origin and other regulatory requirments.
Serves as an import/expert liaison for international customers/subsidiaries, distribution, procurement, planning, manufacturing, inter company finance, regulatory and import/export compliance functions.
Prepare and distribute reports as required.


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