8 New Job Opportunities at CEMDO – Tanzania

Our History: The Community Environmental Management and Development Organization (CEMDO) is a Civil society Organization working in mainland Tanzania. With registration number So 12490 of 29.05.2004, rule 5/1954 and Certificate of compliance No 00001404, of 28.04.2011, NGO act 24/2002.The Head office is located in Malinyi, Ulanga District, Morogoro region. Current CEMDO has a sub (Regional) Office in Kibaoni, Ifakara, and Morogoro Municipal, in Morogoro Region and Murusi Street, Kasulu, Kigoma Region. 

Job Vacancies
Community Environmental Management and Development Organization (CEMDO –Tanzania) under support of SAVE THE CHILDREN, funded by USAID is pleased to invite qualified Tanzanians to fill the following vacancies in Lishe Endelevu project, that aims at improving nutrition outcomes for women of reproductive age, children under five, and adolescent girls, meaningfully advancing Tanzania along its journey to self-reliance in Morogoro region-Malinyi, Ulanga ,Kilosa, Gairo, Kilombero and Ifakara Councils).Source: AjiraLeo Tanzania
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