13 HIV Testers Jobs at MDH

13 HIV Testers Jobs at MDH

Management and Development for Health (MDH) is a non for profit organization in Tanzania contributing to address public health priorities. MDH works with the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children; as well as academic and non-academic institutions to address the problems of tuberculosis, malaria, HIV/AIDS, nutrition, maternal and child health and to undertake initiatives to advance public health research, education, and services for improving the lives of people.

In Dar es salaam, MDH supports the Government of Tanzania through the Municipal councils of Ilala, Temeke, Kinondoni, Ubungo and Kigamboni in implementation of the program on HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment and monitoring of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). In order to strengthen the care and treatment of PLWHA in Dar es salaam, MDH on behalf of the above mentioned Municipal Councils seeks to employ the following staff:

13 HIV Testers

Reports to: Health Facility in charge

Job summary:
A HIV Testing counsellor requires extensive, current knowledge of HIV prevention measures. Testing counsellor must enjoy working with other people, have a compassionate nature and be a good listener. A broad knowledge of diverse culture beliefs and attitudes is often necessary when working with diverse population..

Qualification At least diploma in nursing, clinical medicine from a recognized institution, a candidate must have at least 2 years of experience. with a valid practice license.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • He/she is responsible to create awareness and education on the existence of HTS i.e. educating clients on all aspects of HIV diseases and treatment management as well as basic health lifestyles.
  • To serve as liaison between clinicians/clinics, individuals screened and care centres.
  • To provide on-going counselling and testing while maintain confidentiality and patient rights. Also to provide psychosocial support and visit with linkage to referral services.
  • To assess, document all referrals, make follow-up and report on referral outcomes.
  • To monitor the quality of test kits by the use of suitable control materials/samples from laboratory department.
  • To be in line with current HTS protocols/guidelines to ensure correct testing services (periodic review of standard operating procedures with support from laboratory department)
  • To ensure safe storage of HTS related items and to request/prepare all necessary consumables for undertaking the HTS activities on time.
  • To compile and submit HTS reports on weekly, monthly and/or quarterly to the HTS coordinators on time
  • To keep accurate HTS records (logbooks, HTS registers and referral/linkage reports)
  • To work with team member to monitor quality improvement plans with regards to the established performance targets/indicators.
  • Ensure HIV testing is performed according to the National HIV testing algorithm.
  •  To carry out any other duties that may be required by the clinical team..

Job application procedure
Interested candidates should submit an application letter, a detailed copy of their CV, names and contact information (email addresses and telephone numbers) of three work related referees.
Applications should be submitted by 05th April 2019, to the Human Resource Manager through e-mail hr@mdh-tz.org 

Applications should be submitted by 05th April 2019, to the Human Resource Manager through e-mail hr@mdh-tz.org 

Kindly note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

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