Job Opportunity at MAKUWASA, Head of Procurement And Supplies Unit

Makambako Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (MAKUWASA) is a Government Institution which has the duty of providing potable water and sanitation services at affordable prices to the residents of Makambako Urban for enhancing their health and quality of life. In order to achieve the compact objectives, MAKUWASA now seeks applications from suitably qualified Tanzanians who are self-motivated, hardworking, honest and committed to their work to fill the following position:-

The successful candidate will report to the Managing Director of Makambako urban water supply and sanitation authority.

Duties and Responsibilities
(i) To act as the Head of Procurement and Supplies Unit
(ii) To advise the Managing Director on all matters related to procurement and supplies.
(iii) To review, formulate and update changes in procurement policies of the Authority for final decision
(iv) To establish effective inventory control and materials management policies, procedures, guidelines and regulations and ensure their implementation.
(v) To support the functioning of, and serve as the Secretariat to the Authority’s Tender Board and implement decisions of the Tender Board.
(vi) To prepare minutes of the Tender Board and maintain records of all
procurement, disposal and related activities.
(vii) To serve as stock verifier and inspect goods for quality and quantity upon delivery, issue or during storage.
(viii) To deal with stores, purchasing/procurement or clearing and forwarding management and matters related to them.
(ix) To supervise and carry out stock counts, stock valuations and establish
provisions for obsolete and slow moving items.
(x) To plan, coordinate and manage and recommend procurement and disposal by tender except jurisdiction and award of contracts.
(xi) To liaise with and compiles all procurement requirements of the different directorates, departments and units
(xii) To liaise with bidders on procurement matters within his/her mandate.
(xiii) To conduct inspection on the quality of procured items
(xiv) To keep procurement documents in safe custody
(xv) To prepare departmental procurement budgets
(xvi) To conduct coaching and training junior procurement staff on emerging changes in the procurement field
(xvii) To control payments according to the laid down rules and procedures.
(xviii) To verify and authorise procurement payments
(xix) To ensure adherence to proper procurement practices and procedures

Academic Qualifications and Age Limit
i. Holder of Bachelor Degree or an Advanced Diploma in Materials Management or Procurement and Supplies Management or Procurement and Logistics Management or Supply Chain Management.
ii. He or she must have been Certified as Supplies Professional (CSP) or Certified as Procurement and Supplies Professional (CPSP). The Candidate must be registered by the PSPTB/NBMM as authorized procurement/supplies officer.
iii. The candidate must have a working experience of at least three years (3) in a relevant field.
iv. Age Limit between 25 and 45 years.

Tenure of Appointment and Remuneration
i. According to MAKUWASA Salary Scale : MWAS 6/ TGS E
ii. Appointment will be on unspecified period of time.


All applicants must be citizens of Tanzania.
Applicants must attach an up-to date Curriculum Vitae (CV) with reliable contacts, postal address, E-mail and telephone/mobile numbers.
Applicants should indicate names and contact addresses of at least three referees.
Applicants must attach their relevant copies of academic certificates, professional certificates and birth certificates.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

All applications should be sent to MAKUWASA by hand, registered post, EMS and not later than 25th July, 2019.

All applications should be addressed to:-

The Managing Director,
Makambako Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority,
P.O. BOX 940,


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