Job Opportunity at Arusha Technical College (ATC), Environmental Engineer

Job Opportunity at Arusha Technical College (ATC), Environmental Engineer
Environmental Engineer  
Arusha Technical College (ATC) was established in March 2007 through the Arusha Technical College Establishment Order No.78 under the National Council for Technical Education (NAC’TE) Act No.9 of 1997 to replace the then Technical College Arusha that existed since 1978. The College therefore has over 40 years’ experience in delivery of technical education and training programmes.

Arusha Technical College through East Africa Skills for Transformation & Regional Integration Project (EASTRJP) is seeking to employ Environmental Engineer, Procurement & Logistics Officer and Procurement & Logistics Assistant on contractual basis to assist implementation of the project at Kikuletwa Renewable Energy Training Centre.

Job Title: Environmental Engineer

Job code Title: KRETC #2

Duties and responsibilities

  • Prepare, review, and update environmental investigation and recommendation reports
  • Provide system and component design that reduce negative nnpact on environment
  • Serve as a technical advisor on environmental policies and standards to ensure regulatory applicability
  • Create plans to protect and restore the environment by removing contammants from water, air and land
  • Implement, manage and supervise the day-to-day tasks of construction and remediation schemes
  • Communicate with sensitive stakeholders such as local residents in order to minimize the impacts of projects on the community Regularly liaise with clients and local authorities relating to planning aspects of projects
  • Develop site-specific health and safety protocols such as spill contmgency plans or methods for loading and transportmg raw materials Advise the College Management about preventing future difficulties
  • Develop, implement, and manage plans related to conservation and management of natural resources
  • Advise the College Management on procedures to follow in cleanmg up contaminated sites in order to protect people and the environment
  • Serve as liaison with Governmental agencies and officials on issues pertaming to solid and hazardous waste program requirements Provide administrative support for projects by collecting data, providing project documentation and performmg other general administrative duties.
  • Develop resources management schemes and providing systems technical evaluation for the Project
  • Collaborate with environmental scientists, planners, hazardous waste technicians, engineers, other specialists, and experts in law to address environmental problems for the Project
  • Performs any other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the College Management

Academic Qualification

  • The person should have a proven familiarity with quality assurance, documentation, environmental rules, regulations and best practices, project management skills, ability to work with various stakeholders and willingness to move forward the East Africa Skills for Transformation & Regional Integration Project. The person is required to have the following academic qualifications;-
  • Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering. Land Management and Valuation from a recognised and reputable institution and must be registered as a Professional Engineer. Valuer with a relevant Board.

Work Experience

A minimum of five (5) years of progressively responsible experience in areas related to land management and valuation; working experience in International Projects (i.e. World Bank, AfDB, UN, JICA etc.) will be an added advantage.


A negotiable, attractive package will be offered to the successful candidate

General Requirements and Mode of Application:

Applicants must attach an up-to date current curriculum vitae (CV) having reliable contact postal address, email address and telephone numbers
Age limit for all applicants is 55 years old
All applicants must submit signed application letters accompanied with the following:
Copies of relevant academic certificates, transcripts and birth certificate
Name and complete address of three reputable referees
Testimonials, partial transcripts and result slips will not be accepted
Presentation of forged academic certificates and other information in the C’V will necessitate to legal action
Deadline for application is 16th August, 2019
Only short listed candidates will be informed on a date for interview
Application letters should be posted to the following address;

Arusha Technical College,
Junction of Moshi-Arusha and Nairobi Roads
P.O. Box 296,

E-mail:, Tel : +255 27 29 70056

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