TCU Multiple Admissions 2021

Check TCU multiple selection 2021/2022 – List of students with Multiple admission 2021/2022 – TCU List of students with Multiple admission 2021/2022 for first round application.

TCU multiple admission is the list of applicants who have been selected to more than one Higher learning institution for 2021/2022 academic year. Students with multiple selections/admission are required to confirm their admission status to only one university that they have been selected.

Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) 2021/2022, Orodha Ya Waombaji Waliodahiliwa Na Chuo Zaidi Ya Kimoja Kwa Mwaka Wa Masomo 2021/2022. Admitted Applicants with Multiple Admissions first Round 2021/2022.


Candidates can visit Tanzania Commission for Universities(TCU) official website    

On the homepage of the website look and click for Multiple Selection PDF List

Download the TCU Multiple Selected Applicants 2021/2022 Selection List PDF

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Print your Selection List for documentation

TCU verification/confirmation code 2021/2022 for Multiple admission applicants

All applicants who have been selected to more than one university for 2021/2022 academic year are required to confirm their admission immediately before the deadline in order to secure their admission to only one university college.

Failure to confirm for any reason may result to applicant admission being rejected by the all universities to which they have been selected for 2021/2022 academic year.

How to confirm admission for applicants with multiple admission

In order to confirm for admission in 2021/2022 academic year, an applicant with multiple admission must have a Special TCU verification code – the special code sent to all applicants VIA SMS/E-mail. If you haven’t received the verification code yet, you can request it directly through the online application system of the Higher learning institution to which you have been selected. Only requested TCU confirmation code can be used to confirm your admission at the university college/institution of your choice

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