Job Opportunity at PCI - Senior Program School Feeding and Data Management Officer

Job Description

The main role of the Senior Program School Feeding Officer is to facilitate implementation of FFE III program at community level by ensuring communities (parents, guardians, teachers, local Government leaders, extension workers, farmer groups and other like-minded stakeholders) are empowered to effectively participate in the school feeding program each in their own capacity.

Data Management Support by ensuring proper data management on community contribution, agricultural inputs, community inputs are managed properly and shared on time. With support from the Database Support Officer and IT Officer, use the COmmcare for tracking and monitoring community contribution for analysis for Data uses. In collaboration with MLE Department developing in need the quality School feeding checklist for proper information collection. Custodian of School feeding report and consolidation of districts reports for project reporting template. Coordinates monthly data collection through Comm care for the preparation and consolidation of commodity stock reports.

Key areas of responsibility:

Supervise and Facilitate communities and school committees to establish school feeding action plan. Support village, ward and schools to execute and monitor their school feeding action plans with the focus on community contribution, food production (particularly on school farms and farm groups). Support community level coordination on procuring and distribution of agriculture inputs.
Supervise the farming and School feeding activities of FFE III Schools at cluster level. Consistently work in collaboration with lead farmers, extension workers, garden teachers and store teachers collecting farm and store data, Support the District Council, Wards, villages and Schools in strengthening their capacity in ensuring the sustainability of School feeding commodity management and the associated activities
Supervise Sensitize the community on nutritious food commodities contribution for school feeding program sustainability. Liaise with other FFE sectors and the like-minded partners to ensure synergy and sustainability of field operations and benefits of school feeding at the school level.
Support on data collection, analysis and reporting on school Action plan and management

Required Skills & Qualifications:

Should be a holder of Diploma or above in logistics, Agriculture, Nutrition, Community/Rural development, Public relation or any other related field, bachelor’s degree in above fields is preferable
5 years or more experience in community mobilization, planning, food management and School feeding Project set up. Computer Skills, including experience with different MS Application Packages including relevant commodity management software packages. Good command of English and Kiswahili languages (oral and written) and Experience in supervisor role


A first review of candidates will happen after November 18th, 2019. Only Successful Candidates will be contacted

Job Location Musoma, Tanzania, United Republic of

Position Type Full-Time/Regular


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