Job at USAID (GHSC TA-TZ) Project, HIV/AIDS Supply Chain Advisor

Job Vacancies at USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program – Tanzania (GHSC TA-TZ) Project, 2019

The Global Health Supply Chain Program – Technical Assistance – Tanzania (GHSC-TA-TZ) project, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), provides expert technical assistance to Tanzania to strengthen country supply chain systems across all health elements, e.g., malaria, family planning (FP), HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH). In coordination with in-country and development partners, GHSC-TA-TZ assists Government of Tanzania health programs by providing strategic planning and implementation assistance; improving the delivery of health commodities to service sites; providing capacity building support to broaden stakeholders’ understanding and engagement of the supply chain system; and strengthening enabling environments to improve supply chain performance.

Job Title: HIV/AIDS Supply Chain Advisor – Pharmaceuticals

Job Summary/function:
The advisor will provide technical assistance to the National AIDS Control Program (NACP) HIV Pharmaceutical and Laboratory Services Unit in ensuring that HIV/AIDS commodities needs are accurately planned, forecasted, procured, stored, distributed and managed according to set standard procedures and regulations. The advisor will be required to provide updated data on commodities status, risks, and data quality and work with MSD, PEPFAR, GF and PSU and other sections within the NACP to attain HIV/AIDS commodities availability and accessibility in the country. In addition, the advisors will work closely with PMTCT, NTLP, GHSC TA-TZ and other HIV/AIDS implementing partners.


  • Specific responsibilities will include, but not be limited to, the following:
  • Work collaboratively to develop interventions/solutions for addressing supply chain bottlenecks such as using trends and peer-to-peer benchmarking to improve accountability.
  • Support the development and execution of effective management of regimen changes and demand management strategies
  • Provide technical expertise in annual quantification exercises and ensure quantification reports are written timely
  • Participate in routine reviews of supply plan,
  • update PipeLine databases, generate updated supply plans, and provide coaching to GoT counterparts in supply planning
  • Prepare requested supply chain performance reports, and facilitate distribution to relevant stakeholders
  • Monitor overall stock status, highlight stock imbalances or impending stockouts, and develop solutions to address them.
  • Monitor commodities shelf life, prepare and follow through with action plans to avoid expiry of products
  • Liaise with PSM and GF to facilitate commodities supply plans visibility
  • Respond to queries from PSM, PEPFAR, and USAID I Tanzania regarding USG funded shipments, ensuring productive collaboration between NACP and PSM.
  • Work with MSD and TMDA in ensuring that program drugs and related supplies are reported in accordance with the guidelines
  • Build capacity within the NACP to place orders with PSM
  • Coordinate and ensure good communication with timely feedback to Program Manager, zonal Supply Chain Monitoring Advisors (SCMAs), MSD, Diagnostics Unit, PSU and IPs.
  • Coordinate with other stakeholders including implementing partners on stock status, usages/consumption at Central and zonal levels.
  • Coordinate key stakeholders which may include but not limited to MSD, PSU, TFDA, MOHSW-Diagnostic Unit, and GHSC TA-TZ and other USG Implementing Partners to address supply chain issues including funding mobilization for HIV commodities and leveraging of supply chain resources.
  • Support the preparations of annual work-plans and budgets and ensure smooth implementation of all activities.
  • Other duties as assigned

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Required:

  • An advanced degree or a Master’s Degree in Health Informatics, Data Science, Business Analytics, Public Health, Pharmacy or other relevant area
  • Previous experience in HIV commodities commodity management and supply chain data analysis.
  • Knowledge in health supply chains in Tanzania
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills in English and Swahili
  • Excellent technical writing and oral presentation skills highly desired

Send your CV, cover letter and copies of your academic certificate to Deadline for submission shall be on 7th November, 2019.
GHSC is an equal opportunity employer.

N.B Never pay money for application or job opportunity

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