HESLB Second Batch Loan Allocation Batch 2 | Orodha ya Majina ya Wanafunzi Waliopata Mkopo

The Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB) has release the Second  batch ( Batch 2 ) of Successful Loan Applicants 2019/20 to the public.

You can download the list for details . | HESLB Names for Loan Allocation 2019/2020 | Orodha ya majina ya wanafunzi waliopata mkopo 2019/2020 | Awamu ya Pili ya Waliopata Mkopo 2019/2020| HESLB second batch loan allocation batch 2

You can also view the names of students given the loans by the Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB) by scrolling through the  Embed PDF below:

==>>Download HESLB second batch loan allocation batch 2

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