Job Opportunity at Palladium, Request for Proposal - Senegal and Tanzania

Request for Proposal - Senegal and Tanzania

Company Overview:

About Palladium - Palladium is a global leader in the design, development and delivery of Positive Impact - the intentional creation of enduring social and economic value. We work with governments, businesses, and investors to solve the world's most pressing challenges. With a team of more than 3,000 employees operating in 90 plus countries and a global network of over 35,000 experts, we help improve economies, societies and, most importantly, people's lives.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - We welcome applications from all sections of society and actively encourage diversity to drive innovation, creativity, success and good practice. We positively welcome and seek to ensure we achieve diversity in our workforce; and that all job applicants and employees receive equal and fair treatment regardless of their background or personal characteristics. These include: (but are not limited to) socio-economic background, age, race, gender identity, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, veteran, marital or Indigenous status.

Should you require any adjustments or accommodations to be made due to a disability or you are a neurodivergent individual or any other circumstance, please email our team at

Safeguarding - We define Safeguarding as "the preventative action taken by Palladium to protect our people, clients and the communities we work with from harm". We are committed to ensuring that all children and adults who come into contact with Palladium are treated with respect and are free from abuse. All successful candidates will be subject to an enhanced selection process including safeguarding-focused interviews and a rigorous due diligence process.

Project Overview and Role:

The New Partnerships Initiative EXPAND: New Partners for Better Health (NPI EXPAND) Activity is a five-year USAID-funded cooperative agreement implemented by Palladium International, LLC (Palladium). NPI EXPAND aims to support Missions to increase the availability and utilization of quality health services across all USAID priority health areas.

In line with the localization agenda, USAID is committed to expanding its range of implementing partners by investing in new and underutilized local partners (NUPs) and strengthening their capacity to plan and implement health sector programs with USAID funds. Enhanced participation of capable local partners to increase demand for and deliver high-quality, high-impact health services will enable governments to meet crucial health goals equitably and sustainably. NPI EXPAND will catalyze opportunities to scale up innovative interventions by strengthening the capacity of NUPs with varying levels of capabilities and exposure to USAID. NPI EXPAND is a global project currently working in Brazil, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Tanzania, Senegal, and Venezuela.

NPI EXPAND's capacity development approach comprises detailed organizational assessments to identify gaps in the capacity and performance of an organization and the implementation of a variety of capacity strengthening activities to address prioritized capacity gaps. Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) is one of the tools that NPI EXPAND utilizes to strengthen the relational capacity of NUPs. NPI EXPAND uses a participatory approach to implement ONA. The process comprises 1) the design and implementation of a survey to gather relational data among targeted organizations, 2) analysis of the data using a network analysis software, 3) interpretation of the maps and performance metrics generated from the analysis, and 4) planning actions to address identified capacity needs.

Purpose Palladium seeks two consulting firms (one for each country) to implement ONA for up to 2 selected NUPs in Senegal and Tanzania. Working in Senegal will require a firm that can implement the ONA in French and translate reports to English for use by NPI EXPAND.

Type of Contract Deliverables based Firm Fixed Price.

Anticipated Contract Term 3 months.

Timeline The approximate level of effort estimated is 17 days per ONA. The tentative period of performance is November - January. NPI EXPAND will advise on the specific dates for each ONA once confirmed with the targeted NUPs. The quotation submitted will need to be valid for 60 days at a minimum, at which time Palladium will award the successful bidder the procurement. Contracting is contingent on client (USAID) approval for this procurement, as a result anticipated start date for delivery/provision of services may be delayed based on the approval process.

Scope of Work and Standards The selected firm must be able to use a participatory approach in the design and implementation of ONA. The firm must have the capacity to use some of the software applications for network analysis, including but not limited to Kumu, Gephi, or Net-Map. NPI EXPAND has a customized virtual platform for ONA data analysis. NPI EXPAND will induct the service provider on using this virtual platform to analyze the ONA data. The service provider will work under NPI EXPAND's Country Manager's supervision in either Senegal or Tanzania and with technical oversight by NPI EXPAND's Capacity Development Director.

Following are the specific tasks that NPI EXPAND anticipates the service provider will perform in line with the purpose of this activity: 1. Attend a virtual induction session by NPI EXPAND on the implementation of ONA. 2. Convene an introductory meeting with the targeted NUPs to discuss the purpose and scope of the assignment. 3. Plan the ONA schedule with the targeted NUPs and NPI EXPAND staff in the relevant countries. 4. Collaborate with NUP and NPI EXPAND the in-country staff to implement the ONA, which will include the following specific steps: a) Determine the type of survey appropriate for the NUP will be bounded (with known network members) or unbounded (with no known network members) b) Scope and mobilize survey participants. The scoping may comprise mapping stakeholders and selecting a survey list, the orientation of the targeted organization about ONA, and identifying individuals to represent respective organizations in the survey. c) Design the ONA survey. The design will involve discussing with the NUP and NPI EXPAND to determine the type of relational data (flow of resources, information, and collaboration) to collect and frame the survey questions. d) Survey implementation. The service provider will determine whether to implement an online (using tools such as survey monkey) or administer a written survey through email. e) Analyze the survey data using the most appropriate data processing software/platform to generate network maps and results of various network performance metrics. In addition to visualizing the relationships through maps, NPI EXPAND will be interested in using various ONA metrics to understand the current and potential size of the network, information and resource flow, levels and quality of collaboration, shared values, and existing or desired results of the network. NPI EXPAND would prefer the service provider using the ONA data analysis platform the project has developed. However, we are open to any alternative platform the service provider may propose. f) Interpret the network maps and metrics and plan interventions. The service provider will convene a stakeholders' workshop to discuss the ONA results, identify capacity needs, and recommend interventions. g) Prepare an ONA report that describes the findings, makes conclusions and recommendations on actions to undertake to strengthen the relational capacities of the targeted NUPs.

Deliverables For each ONA implemented, the firm will submit the following main deliverables: 1. An ONA schedule agreed with the targeted NUPs 2. An ONA survey tool collaboratively designed with the NUPs and approved by NPI EXPAND. 3. An ONA report with findings, conclusions, and recommendations.

Evaluation Process and Eligibility Requirements


  • The firm or organization eligible for this assignment must satisfy the following characteristics:
  • A firm or organization incorporated and operates in the country that it proposes to work. A firm that proposes to work in Senegal must be able to implement this activity in French and translate reports to English for use by NPI EXPAND.
  • Has experience working with projects funded by USAID and other U.S. Government agencies.
  • Has experience in providing capacity development technical assistance to non-governmental organizations, preferably in the health sector.
  • Has experience conducting participatory organizational assessments of local non-profit organizations, preferably using capacity assessment tools developed for USAID programs such as the Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool (OCA) and Organizational Performance Index (OPI), and Organizational Network Analysis (ONA).
  • Can utilize any of the network analysis tools and platforms, including but not limited to Kumu, Gephi, Net-Map, and Pact Capacity Solutions Platform.
  • Has capacity and experience to facilitate online meetings and workshops.
  • Can work in English (Tanzania) or French (Senegal) or both depending on the country the firm proposes to provide services.

Palladium will evaluate applications based on the following criteria:

  • Proposed technical approach - 40%
  • Experience in similar assignments and qualification of proposed personnel - 30%
  • Prior experience with USAID projects or other USG grants - 10%
  • Financial and operational viability - 20%

The selection for this procurement will be made on a best value trade off basis. Palladium reserves the right to award under this solicitation without further negotiations. The offerors are encouraged to offer their best terms and prices with the original submission.

PROCUREMENT INTEGRITY AND ETHICS It is Palladium's Policy that no gifts of any kind and of any value be exchanged between vendors/contractors and Palladium personnel. Discovery of the same will be grounds for disqualification of the vendor/contractor from participation in any Palladium's procurements and may result in disciplinary actions against Palladium personnel involved in such discovered transactions.

Instructions to the Offerors

The following items are required to be submitted as part of the proposal:

  •  Not more than 10 pages technical proposal describing the overall approach to the capacity assessment
  •  Not more than 2 pages budget proposal (In Excel)
  •  A firm's profile highlighting similar assignments the firm has undertaken in the past
  •  Detailed CVs of the proposed personnel (illustrative)
  •  A copy of the local company registration certificate
  •  Reference letters from at least three past clients


Please review the additional documentation and proposed contracts terms and conditions which should be given consideration when preparing your proposal. By submitting your bid you will certify that that you are in agreement with the contract terms and conditions as included in this solicitation and that all prices include all aspects of the required compliance with the terms and conditions of the proposed contract.

List all Appendices:

  • Due diligence form(s) (Available upon request)
  • Business Partner Code of Conduct (see Palladium website)
  • Copy of the Contract Template (Available upon request)

Any contract/purchase order resulting from this solicitation must be signed by both parties in order to be considered valid and in force. All costs associated with, but not limited to, production, preparation and/or delivery of goods or services, including deliveries, accepted by Palladium staff, without a fully executed (signed by both parties) contract/purchase order, are at the vendor's risk only. Palladium shall not pay for any costs, without limitation, associated with production, preparation or delivery of goods and/or services under this or any other contract/purchase order, which has not been signed by both parties.

If your proposal is successful, you will be required to enter into the Company's standard contract for the types of goods or services being provided. In the provision of the Goods and Services, you will be required to comply with the Company's policies, including (without limitation) its Business Partner Code of Conduct and any relevant client terms and conditions. Potential suppliers must also comply with the Company's Business Partner Code of Conduct in the submission of any proposals pursuant to this RFP.

If you are bidding as part of a joint venture, partnership or similar, please make this clear in your submission. Likewise, if you propose to subcontract any part of the goods or services provision, then disclose this fact within your submission. The Company may require additional information from you and approval for subcontracting will not be automatic as subcontractors will be subject to Palladium's Due Diligence process and may be required to submit for USAID Partner Vetting.


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