62 Employment Opportunities At Amref Tanzania

62 Employment Opportunities At Amref Health Africa Tanzania Amref Health Africa in Tanzania is a non-profit public health organization supporting the
Government of Tanzania to address public health issues including maternal and child health, HIV, TB, Malaria and Nutrition in Tanzania since 1987.

Amref Health Africa in Tanzania is funded by The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through CDC Tanzania, to execute a robust HIV care and treatment clinical cascade project aiming to accelerate the
achievement of the current 95-95-95 goals and the HIV epidemic control in Tanzania.

The project branded as Afya Kamilifu Project is implemented in Tanga and Zanzibar since October, 2018, Simiyu Region since 2020. From October 2021 this project will extend its operations to Mara Region covering facility based and community based HIV care and treatment services.

Afya Kamilifu project works – in collaboration with and with guidance from the Tanzania Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children, Zanzibar Ministry of health and President’s Office Regions Authority and Local Government (PORALG).

That said, Amref Health Africa -Tanzania is announcing the following vacancies to be filled soon. For more information get download attached PDF file below


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