Job Opportunity at ILO, National Project Coordinator - NOB (DC)

National Project Coordinator - NOB (DC)

International Labour Organization, Dar es Salaam

Grade: NOB

Vacancy no.: DC/DAR/NO/2020/4
Publication date: 20 August 2020
Application deadline (midnight local time in Dar es salaam, Tanzania): 17 September 2020

Job ID: 4223
Department: RO-Africa
Organization Unit: CO-Dar es Salaam
Location: Dar es Salaam
Contract type: Fixed Term

Contract duration: 12 Months

Under article 4.2, paragraph (e) of the Staff Regulations, the filling of vacancies in technical cooperation projects does not fall under Annex I of the Staff Regulations and is made by direct selection by the Director-General.

In order to support the best informed process in the filling of the above-mentioned vacancy by direct selection, the ILO invites interested candidates to submit their application online by the above date.

The Following Are Eligible To Apply

ILO Internal candidates in accordance with paragraphs 31 and 32 of Annex I of the Staff Regulations.
External candidates*
The recruitment process for National Officer positions is subject to specific local recruitment and eligibility criteria. The ILO may offer a contract to persons who are Tanzanian.

Technical cooperation appointments are not expected to lead to a career in the ILO and they do not carry any expectation of renewal or conversion to any other type of appointment in the Organization. A one-year fixed-term contract will be given. Extensions of technical cooperation contracts are subject to various elements including the following: availability of funds, continuing need of the functions and satisfactory conduct and performance.

Conditions of employment for external candidates: In conformity with existing ILO practice, the appointment of an external candidate will normally be made at the first step of this grade. The entry level salary for this position is 101,715,000 ( TShs) yearly.


The United Nations Development Assistance Plan (UNDAP II) is a successor business plan of 20 UN agencies, funds and programmes in Tanzania for the period 2016-2021, extended with one year until June 2022. The plan supports the achievement of the international development goals including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), national development priorities including the FYDP II, and the realization of international obligations including human rights. The programme focuses on strengthening country systems, policies and processes for the fulfilment of human rights and pro-poor growth.

The implementation of the UNDAP II is coordinated, planned, monitored and reported by Outcome Groups, which were formed based on the selected programmatic outcome areas. Outcome Groups are responsible for effective delivery of agreed UNDAP II commitments at Output and Outcome level. The ILO is leading the Outcome Group on Economic Growth and Employment within the framework of the decent work agenda and decent work country programme. ILO social partners contributed to the development of the UNDAP II and are playing a key role in its implementation and monitoring.
The ILO would like to recruit a National Programme Coordinator who will be responsible for implementing the ILO Economic Growth and Employment project in line with related Country Programme Outcomes (CPOs) and coordinating ILO’s response under the Economic Growth and Employment Outcome Group.

Reporting Lines

The National Project Coordinator will work under the overall responsibility of the Director of ILO Country Office for the United Republic of Tanzania, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda (CO-Dar Es Salaam) and under the direct supervision of the Economic Growth and Employment Outcome Coordinator. He/she will receive technical guidance from the Enterprise Development Specialist in the Decent Work Team (DWT) based in Pretoria, the Skills Development and Employment Specialist based in CO Dar es Salaam as well as other relevant ILO Specialists based in Geneva. He/she will also work in close cooperation and coordination with the Programme Unit and other Projects.

Description Of Duties

Provide overall programming, technical, and administrative support to the project's timely implementation, monitoring and evaluation in line with ILO rules and regulations;
Prepare background papers, programme briefs, and progress reports, ensuring results-based reporting and gender mainstreaming;
Monitor the project budget and prepare budget forecasts and revisions as required;
Plan and undertake missions to monitor project implementation and coordinate project reviews and evaluations;
Monitor employment and decent work trends in Tanzania on a continuous basis, especially on the role of enterprise development;
Participate actively in the UNDAP II Economic Growth and Employment Outcome Group and other UN working groups as required and contribute to One UN planning, reporting and communication;
Coordinate resource mobilization activities and develop partnerships with line ministries, private sector, social partners, development partners, other UN agencies, as well as civil society organizations;
Build the capacity of national implementing partners and support them in enterprise development related issues;
Organize and facilitate trainings and workshops, taking notes of proceedings and writing associated reports;
Develop Terms of Reference and supervise the work of national and international consultants engaged to deliver specific project activities;
Develop and maintain strong links with ILO specialists within the ILO Decent Work Team in Pretoria, HQ and other colleagues in the field on specific technical areas;
Ensure high-level communications to increase the project's visibility at the local and national levels;
Perform other tasks related to project objectives as requested by the ILO Country Director.

Required Qualifications


First level university degree in Economics, Social Science, International Studies or other related fields.


At least three years’ professional and hands-on experience, at the national or international level, in design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of multi-stakeholder projects in the areas of youth or women entrepreneurship, enterprise development and decent employment creation. Experience with working with government, employers and workers organizations will be an advantage. Knowledge about Delivering as One UN and experience in handling of web-based management systems is also an advantage.


Excellent command of English and good knowledge of Swahili.


Good knowledge of programming and results-based management (RBM) principles and concepts,; Good knowledge of the programming cycle (planning, monitoring, reporting and evaluation), Demonstrated ability to consult, negotiate and work with multiple partners, including government, social partners and UN agencies and to foster cooperation and effective networks; Demonstrated ability to organise and facilitate meetings and workshops, Good communication skills; Demonstrated ability to work in a multicultural team, good interpersonal skills; Demonstrated ability in gender mainstreaming; and Proficiency in basic computer software (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Adobe Reader).

Recruitment process

Please note that all candidates must complete an on-line application form. To apply, please visit the ILO Jobs website . The system provides instructions for online application procedures.

Candidates assessed by the Panel and considered to be eligible for appointment but who are not selected for this vacant post may be offered an assignment to another position at the same or lower grade provided that they meet the minimum qualifications required.


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