Job Opportunity at GHSC-TA-TZ/USAID, Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP)

Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP)

Overview: The Global Health Supply Chain–Technical Assistance–Tanzania (GHSC-TA-TZ) program, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), provides expert technical assistance to Tanzania to strengthen country supply chain systems across all health elements, e.g., malaria, family planning (FP), HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH). In coordination with in-country and development partners, GHSC-TA-TZ assists Government of Tanzania (GoT) by providing strategic planning and implementation assistance; improving the delivery of health commodities to service sites; providing capacity building support to broadening stakeholders’ understanding and engagement of the supply chain system; and strengthening enabling environments to improve supply chain performance.
Job Summary: The Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP) will be located in Dar es Salaam and will serve as a liaison with USAID Tanzania, the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC), the GHSC-TA-TZ home office, and all other counterparts involved in program implementation. The DCOP will provide overall program management and oversight of program operations to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, compliance and high-quality delivery of technical assistance services and deliverables. Qualifications include a minimum of eight years’ experience managing USAID or other donor funded projects, an advanced degree in public health, supply chain management, international development, or related field, and experience from multiple countries in health system strengthening, supply chain management, pharmaceutical management and/or other relevant technical area. Knowledge of private sector best practices, management information systems, health financing, performance management, innovative solutions, and USAID’s global health priorities and initiatives required. Experience working on previous USAID global supply chain projects highly desired.

This position is open to both U.S. and international applicants, thus the Position Category will be dependent on the selected applicant.


  • Build and maintain a high performing technical team, providing thought leadership and demonstrating technical expertise across a range of supply chain functional areas including but not limited to: quantification, data use and analysis, capacity building, logistics management information systems, and supply chain financing
  • Maintain strong and positive working relationships with clients and partners including USAID, MOHCDGEC, President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG), Medical Stores Department (MSD), and others
  • Develop and implement annual work plans and budgets that reflect the priorities of USAID, GoT, and other stakeholders
  • Identify capacity gaps within the project team and arrange for appropriate training, mentoring and coaching of project staff
  • Ensure the use of appropriate management methodologies to plan, organize, and manage resources to achieve GHSC-TA-TZ goals
  • Supervise the implementation of the project’s performance monitoring plan that includes project-wide performance measures
  • Lead change management strategies to cultivate a culture of data use across the project and within key stakeholders
  • Oversee regular data collection, data quality assessments and reporting and lead quarterly reviews of performance analysis to identify issues and drive evidence-based interventions
  • Develop and implement risk mitigation strategies for technical services provided by the project
  • Support the enhancement of various management information systems
  • Coordinate with relevant stakeholders to build the capacity and capability of national systems
  • Report results of the project’s work to USAID, GoT, other stakeholders, and the home office; ensure quality completion of quarterly and annual reports, and compliance with USAID reporting requirements
  • Ensure timely submission of all deliverables
  • Develop and maintain synergistic working relationships with other supply chain and governance projects funded by various development partners including USAID, Global Fund, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and others
  • Work with and support home office project management team to oversee and manage the project budget, provide guidance on field office projections, and provide budget inputs


Minimum Year(s) of 8 years of experience managing USAID or other donor funded projects
Advanced degree in public health, supply chain management, international development, or related field

Work Experience:

Experience in health system strengthening, supply chain management, pharmaceutical management and/or other relevant technical area, in multiple countries
At least 5 years’ of experience in a developing country setting

Core Competences:

  • Demonstrated experience leading and managing the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of supply chain strategic planning initiatives
  • Demonstrated success developing and implementing project work plans and managing performance against objectives and timelines
  • Demonstrated success in building and leading high performing teams
  • Demonstrated capacity to effectively present project results and accomplishments to national and international stakeholders and audiences
  • Written and spoken English fluency (native or equivalent)
  • Salary commensurate with experience.

Interested candidates should submit their resumes and cover letters online by 07/07/2020.


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