Job Opportunity at Project Zawadi, Community Support Officer for Agriculture and Water

Community Support Officer for Agriculture and Water  

Job Description
JobTitle: Community Support Officer for Agriculture and Water

Job Description: Project Zawadi’s mission is to partner with communities, schools, and teachers to support quality education for Tanzanian children and youth.  Project Zawadi (PZ) is a small non-profit organization that provides support via three programs: Student Sponsorship, School Support (Model Schools), and Teacher Training (Tenda Teachers).

The Model Schools program currently partners with four rural government primary schools to address various needs, including strategic planning, infrastructure (construction) projects, water projects, model farms, leadership development, schools safety, and student support (via student clubs, life skills, and career counseling).These needs and how to meet them are identified in five-year strategic plans developed for each school via a participatory, community-based process involving teachers, school administrators, parents, village elders, and students. Work is done primarily in the area around Nyamuswa Village, Bunda District, Mara Region but may require travel in Tanzania.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

  • School farm development that provides at least one meal a day to the students. And everything involved: What to plant, how, how to manage it. Sales of excess.
  • Work with each school and neighboring community to set up a sustainable structure.Promote widespread adoption of conservation agriculture (CA) farming practices by demonstrating the benefits of CA to communities surrounding model farms in order to increase regional food 
  • security and economic prosperity.
  • ide students with practical, non-classroom educational experiences covering CA land use and agricultural practices (e.g., crop selection and rotation, seed varieties, soil preparation and management, cover crops, water management, integration of trees and animals)
  • Develop material and facilitate training for the operation and maintenance of water delivery systems at partner schools and communities.
  • Collaborate with our model farms and water projects partners for effectively implementation
  • Perform all duties in a timely and accurate manne
Qualificationsfor theJob

Bachelor of Sciencein Agriculture or Bachelor of Science in Irrigation and Water Resources engineering or related field or comparable work experience is required.Experience with community projects such as water projects in rural areas, Community agricultural support project, public meeting facilitation, programmatic evaluations, and public speaking is a plus.

Key Competencies:

·         Strongoraland writtencommunication skillsinbothEnglishand Swahili

·         Abilitytoengageinclearandempathiccommunication

·         Professionalbehaviorwithintegrityandflexibilityasjob changesandgrows

·         Detailoriented,organized,andabletomanageprioritiesformultipleprojects

·         Abilitytoworkindependently

·         Coachingandmentoringskills

·         Solidcomputerandsocialmediaskillswithfluencyin Word,Excel,andPowerPoint

To Apply: Send ONE email and up to two attachments (cover letter and CV) with the subjectline “Community Support officer” to and

In the cover letter explain why you want the job and describe your salary history and requirements. Dead line to apply: July15,2020.